Titan is our handsome 7 year old black and red 80lb AKC German Shepherd.  He has solid nerves, is very intelligent, friendly, playful, and has a high ball drive with an intense focus. He has numerous VA1 and ScHH3 titled dogs in his pedigree with 2X VA1 titled dogs on his mom and dads side.  

Check out our handsome and proven purebred, AKC registered German Shepherd studs!  All of our males are health checked and proven to produce healthy, robust puppies that meet the breed standard for temperament and conformation!

Our Males

puppies for sale in phoenix

​german shepherd puppies in phoenix

German Shepherds





Zorro is our handsome 5 year old solid black 80lb AKC German Shepherd. He is intelligent, friendly, full of energy, loves to play, and has solid nerves.   Zorro comes from a pedigree of working titled dogs including numerous SchH3 titles and 3X WUSV World Champions.


Gunner is our 9 year old black and tan 90lb AKC German Shepherd. He is intelligent, loyal, and obedient.   Gunner has solid nerves and is a great protection dog.  He has several VA1 and Schutzhund3 titled dogs in his Pedigree along with a 2X World Sieger of Germany (VA1-Larus von Batu).