

Adele is our beautiful 6 year old, 70lb black/red AKC German Shepherd.  She is friendly, intelligent, and good tempered with a Non-aggressive nature.  Adele is the daughter of Titan and has numerous show and working champion titled dogs in her pedigree.

Trinity is our beautiful 65lb all black 3 year old AKC German Shepherd with Czech bloodlines.  She is the daughter of Zorro, and comes from a linage of working dogs with numerous SchH3 titled dogs in her pedigree.  She is friendly, intelligent, protective, loyal, and has high energy. 

Nikki is our gorgeous 4 year old 80lb black/red AKC German Shepherd.  She is friendly, has a good temperament, solid nerves, independent, and intelligent.   Nikki has numerous show and working champion titled dogs in her pedigree.


puppies for sale in phoenix

​german shepherd puppies in phoenix


Sage is our beautiful 4 year old 70lb sable AKC German Shepherd.  She is friendly, intelligent, obediant, and playful.  She has a calm temperment with a non-aggressive nature, and is the daughter of Titan.

Sydney is our gorgeous 75lb black/red, 6 year old AKC German Shepherd.  She comes from numerous working dogs in her linage including numerous SchH3 titled dogs in her pedigree.  She has solid nerves, friendly, intelligent, has high drive, and loves to please. She is a daughter to Gunner and her mom is an all black Czech import.




Check out our beautiful, purebred, AKC registered female German Shepherds!  All of our dogs are family raised and socialized with both children and other animals and are health checked prior to every pregnancy and whelping.

German Shepherds

Our Females